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Yes! We do Adult ADHD Assessment.
Your ADHD Assessment Steps

Step 1: Phone To Discuss

Phone to talk with our admin team, they will answer your initial questions and guide you through the process

Step 2: No Refferal Needed!

You can self-refer for an ADHD assessment with a psychologist, no need for a doctors referal.

Step 3: Appointment with a Psychologist

You’ll have a 2-hour appointment with a psychologists to complete the assessment process, in person or online.

Step 4: Additional Testing

You will be provided with the standard & individualised tests we have chosen for your assessment.

Step 5: Report Writing

The psychologist will examine all the information collected during the clinic visit  and the tests results. A detailed report is prepared.

Step 6: Detailed Report Review

At your 1 hour follow-up appointment with the psychologist, we go through the detailed report. This session will help you understand the results and discuss the assessment and where to from here.